Then & Now: Alumni Video Profiles

60-second videos evoke why Young Writers matters

Videography & Editing by Jonathan Ade (2001-2002)

Morgan “Mac” Goad (2007) knows what’s at stake…

Branden Jacobs-Jenkins (1998 & 2000-2001) remembers there was “something about that space…”

Emma Rathbone (1996-1997) reflects on one of the best things about the program…

Rahul Mehta (1990) pinpoints the heart of the YWW experience…

Branden Jacobs-Jenkins (1998 & 2000-2001) wonders “what if…"

Morgan “Mac” Goad (‘07) saw it work every time…

Branden Jacobs-Jenkins (1998 & 2000-2001) felt something “click”…

Will Arbery (2006)

Remember where it all began for you? Have a look (it’s free!) and, if you’re moved to give back, there’s still time to help YWW into the future. Thanks for being there for us!